Saturday, 24 December 2011

Long time no post!

Hi everyone,
  Well it's been a while since I've had time to sit and blog. School has finished for the xmas break so thats nice, just a few lesson planners and preparation to do then I'm done :-)
I havn't been well these past few weeks, struggling a lot and it's made me so tired. Am having to rest all the time and try and take things easy. Ah well, hopefully the Docs can finally get me sorted out after the Xmas shut down if I can ever get an appointment lol!
On a positive note, I've just had an email to say that I've passed Unit 1 in the Certificate in Papercraft. I havent even the energy to feel anything about that but I suppose its an achievement and I can move onto the next Units.
Thats enough of me rambling, until next time, Lynsey x

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